Recipes are tutorials that help you add functionality to suit the needs of your project.
Given that no two projects are the same — recipes are designed to be both agnostic and complementarity.
To evaluate difficultly Enso will loosely be using the IFAS mountaineering system as analogue, which takes into consideration the skill level required, time to implement, domain knowledge and attention required by the user to complete a recipes.
. Straightforward, possibly a glacial approach, snow and ice will often be at an easy angle.Slightly difficult
. Routes may be longer at altitude, with snow and ice slopes up to 45 degrees. Glaciers are more complex, scrambling is harder, climbing may require some belaying, descent may involve rappelling. More objective hazards.Fairly difficult
. Fairly hard, snow and ice at an angle of 45–65 degrees, rock climbing up to UIAA grade III, but not sustained, belayed climbing in addition to a large amount of exposed but easier terrain. Significant objective hazard.Difficult
. Hard, more serious with rock climbing at IV and V, snow and ice slopes at 50–70 degrees. Routes may be long and sustained or harder but shorter. Serious objective hazards.Very difficult
. Very hard, routes at this grades are serious undertakings with high level of objective danger. Sustained snow and ice at an angle of 65–80 degrees, rock climbing at grade V and VI with possible aid, very long sections of hard climbing.Extremely difficult
. Extremely hard, exceptional objective danger, vertical ice slopes and rock climbing up to VI to VIII, with possible aid pitches.Abominable
Difficulty and danger at their limit.